《未尽的电影》又名The Endless Film。
Based on the remains of never-completed Argentine features from the archives of the film museum in Buenos Aires. The film is, as it were, a parallel film history: an essay like a cinematographic Frankenstein, that blows new life into images that once seemed unsuccessful and pointless.
小や 2019-02-23
看到几处很妙会心一笑 然更多是过分刻意而缺乏表达
qw0aszx 2019-01-31
未成形的电影素材如同尸块一样被缝合拼贴成了这个名为电影的弗兰肯斯坦怪兽,但却没有真正的闪电让它重新活过来 ★★★☆
一叶 2019-02-03
唯美被划伤,悬疑被中止,喜剧被重复,**被沉默——废片的生命力 the reconstruction of film collage
本位 2020-03-19
开篇十分惊艳,中间反而有些屏吸感 4.5
Trillian 2019-03-01
有趣味而无内涵,感觉导演的表达欲不够强烈。残片里居然有Lucrecia Martel和Mariano Llinás!
skcusnabuod 2019-03-02
楼***往日回魂,差口气把/Rosario Bléfari!
不要关注我刷屏 2019-03-02