《黄苦瓜》又名Wong, Bitter Gourd(美)。
Father and son come into a conflict because of a decision made by the son. Their reactions on that circumstance show their relationship. We all have some dissatisfaction with our parents' personalities, but the paradox is that, we will gradually find them in ourselves when we grow up.
第21届台北电影节:台北电影奖 最佳动画片(提名)。
🦕 2021-12-11
剛在2021澳門當代電影及錄像展看了黃榮俊的梅婆,和這部風格各異,同樣出彩,無論是內容、畫功、創意、表現方式... 有這樣有才華的澳門90後藝術創作者,又對未來回復一點希望。