《费尔莫雷》又名Face to Face。
**ø** investigates the killing of his daughter. People around him believe she might have committed *******, but he doesn't accept that. Both the stakes and the suspense rise relentlessly as **ø** inches closer to the truth.
L'llariit 2020-02-21
之前领略到一套豪华演员阵容,猝不及防随一位bad cop主观向咄咄*人式“Then tell me all you fucking know”一根筋单线进行,多位老戏骨之间对手戏在观众脑海理线索并时虚拟构成,细看线索/缘由/进程为成环形结构折返跑,标题中字母O/Ø与英语译名即显深意,单集短篇幅在剧情展开有限下有效规避结构单调/不够紧凑问题,悬疑信息量递增爆发性中段减弱许多,EP7尝试另一种类型蛰伏成效不大,是否可能打乱时间线更改各位登场顺序,不过又会违反初衷
Straight Outta 2020-06-03
Saw one hot actor, immediately started watching .. So violent