Acclaimed Austrian documentary director Ruth Beckermann portrays a dying culture of Viennese ***** history in HOMEMAD(E). The entertaining as well as insightful doc was shown at the Forum section of the Berlinale. The Marc-Aurel-Straße in Vienna. The last Jewish shop owner in the former textile disctrict, the Iranian hotelier, the cafe Salzgries with its regular customers. From...
L'llariit 2019-01-07
Lycidas 2019-01-11
“Girl, it's time to go home. It's dinner time.” 被大爷这句话感动到了。beckermann被摄对象往往都对镜头有很强烈的意识,直接对镜头后的导演说话,却没有一点不自然,反而充满迷人的私密气息。也是她大部分关注熟悉生活地点与人物影片共有的特性。
qw0aszx 2018-12-27
虽然有些段落感觉有些零碎拖长了,但结尾那段实在太棒 7.6分★★★★