The Cremaster Cycle: A Conversation with Matthew Barney在线观看

The Cremaster Cycle: A Conversation with Matthew Barney

  • 上映年代:2004  
  • 地区:美国
  • 主演: 马修·巴尼
  • 更新时间:

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For his five Cremaster films Matthew Barney's created a multitude of sculptural forms and structures. Recently both the sculptures and the films traveled to museums in Cologne, Paris and New York's Guggenheim. In THE CREMASTER CYCLE: A Conversation with Matthew Barney, the artist guides the camera through this remarkable creation at the Guggenheim Museum while being questioned ...


Syvan 2021-09-16

Matthew Barney是我见过最装腔拿调的艺术家 他说的是人话吗??