瓜子资源为您提供The Magician,在线点播,迅雷下载。
The Magician follows charismatic, yet volatile hitman Ray Shoesmith (Ryan) around Melbourne while he is being filmed by a friend and neighbour. As he goes about his chilling business - threatening violence and in some cases ****** good on those threats - the camera continues to roll, fuelled by offbeat conversation, dark humour and emotional crises.
米勒 2023-11-22
7.8/10 澳洲神劇《斜槓先生》(中間人先生)平行宇宙前傳,算是初步建立了Ray Shoesmith時而**,時而殘暴無**角色性格(個人覺得電影版的Ray比影集版更冷酷一點)。很高興看到Ray在影集中得到一個相對平靜愉悅的人生。
kylegun 2022-04-01
mistake指的是把cat拼写成cot不是指睡了别人老婆,前秒笑谈eat ****商品价值区分后秒无痛爆头挚友,有商有量蓝罐曲奇藏货爱心**奔自由……泯然众人都市**伪纪录片,《Mr Inbetween》雷叔粉丝补习必备
StJustIN_Wang 2021-10-19
356 中间人先生前传,其实关系不太大。只是后来借用了人物设定。