Lou, a teenage tomboy in a small Californian town, idolizes her single father. When he has a date over one night and she is cast out of the house, Lou wanders to the outer reaches of town and into a new era of teenage identity. The beautifully muted performances by Sasha Frolova and Joaquin Phoenix are just two of the pleasures to be found in Clara Balzary's portrait of a teena...
再陷“整形门”2012年4月17日,干露露在某发布会**上,要求整形医院为其塑造美丽,并表示愿意为婚姻整形 。
RioLiv 2019-01-12
太短了没什么可说,颜色迷人摄影吸人,father joaquin doesn't have any rings to it but smoking joaquin is good joaquin:))))
Clementine 2019-12-10
莱拉杜莫里耶 2022-01-11
青春期的疯癫与荒唐本质都是“寻找自我”这一母题的枝蔓罢了。这个爹太酷了,虽然干的事儿不怎么地道。镜头语言太好看,台词也喜欢(“Life will kill you.”“I love how you have just like just one super girly thing.”)。至于厄勒克特拉情结和性别认知什么的……我觉得是短片体量容纳不下吧,不过Lou最后的奔跑已经足够了。
鞑靼人沙漠 2019-11-23
这老爹心真大 By the way I love Joaquin
游遍快乐场地 2019-01-12
I love how u have just like just one super girly thing 哇,谁不喜欢,Sasha有点好看
s7e7 2019-01-12
Lou is at a loss for any clear example for how to be