《不法之徒》又名Der blauäugige Bandit、Grazianeddu、The Tough and the Mighty。
Set during the early to mid 1960s, Barbagia (named after a region of the island of Sardinia and released to the American ****** as The Tough and the Mighty) appears to be an above average drama burdened by terrible editing designed to improve its prospects on the drive-in circuit. Terence Hill stars as Graziano, one of three brothers involved in a Sardinian blood feud. After be...
二战电影馆 2020-02-01
撒丁岛,巴巴扎省,雄伟的山脉和血腥的仇杀之地...在我们面前展现该岛最著名的土匪之一-格拉齐亚诺·卡西塔的故事,他的故事始于 偷羊并以**勒索赎金而告终。