《寻找幸福》又名In Quest of Happiness。
Set in the 18th century. While on holiday, young Anne Marie Ehinger (Renée **örling) is made aware of the shortcomings of her fiancé but falls in love instead with his uncle Teodor (Ivan Hedqvist). In 1919, the popular swedish actor Ivan Hedqvist (****** Anton in Victor Sjöström’s “Vem Dömer”) got behind the camera to shoot his first film as a director: a beautiful evocation of...
Lycidas 2018-10-09
4.5 @TeatroVerdi Live score by Stephen Horne 目击偶巴胸前抱着手风琴伸长右手去拨钢琴弦的场面,左手还抓着长笛,觉得他的协调力非常不可思议。瑞典电影学院今年新修复的6幕喜剧,从一个boy meets girl的俗套情节出发,最后成为一个少女和大叔相爱的跨越世俗偏见的故事,两个人因为道德感责任感不敢表白的地方,好感动。整个第三幕加上第四幕的一部分都遗失了,只能以文字描述、剧照和字幕卡还原,但配乐还是给了很多情节可能的想象空间,向巨巨鞠躬。