瓜子资源为您提供Judgment Day: The Ellie Nesler Story,在线点播,迅雷下载。
Fact-based story about a Bible-quoting woman who in 1990 murdered a camp counselor, whom she learned molested her 7 year old son. Seeking revenge, she turns to murder when she learns the man had previously been convicted of the same crime in 1983 and got off with probation.
小莫莫呀呀 2022-05-11
最后那一眼和那一枪! 没有字幕。用着视*翻译的蹩脚字幕居然看完了 真的很难受。 结局也是真的。。。。 唉,但是弟弟是真的让人心痛。不谙世事的伤痛和对***电视的那一段描写和很多的刻画真的很棒。