《有情人终成眷属》又名Arshin Takes a Wife。
This is one of the best musicals Azerbaijan has ever produced. It's full of wonderful music by a ***** Azerbajanian composer Uzeyir Hajibeyov. "Arshin Mal Alan" took the Soviet Union by storm when it was released in 1945. To this day, the movie holds a special place in the hearts of millions. One only needs to ask any descendants of soviet union about this movie and their faces...
Mannialanck 2011-11-29
6。据说是阿塞拜疆甚至苏联影视上著名的歌舞片,民族音乐人Uzeyir Hajibeyov
705K 2021-10-30
我下载的大约40部阿塞拜疆电影中唯一一部能找到字幕的,尽管是英文字幕。 这部电影在100年的时间跨度中前后一共翻拍过4个版本,1945版是其中评分最高的一版。但实际观感比较乏味,虽然相对于年代背景很前卫地使用了彩色胶片,但是没有令人印象深刻的地方。说是歌舞片,但歌舞片段既少又不精彩,演员表演和摄影也比较平庸,比后面1965年翻拍的一版差很多。