Starring silent-screen siren Colleen Moore, this delightful jazz-age 1929 comedy was long thought lost. Recently discovered, restored and now receiving its North America premiere, the film focuses on Moore's Pert Kelly, a poor flapper girl with a bad reputation who must prove to her wealthy beau that she's a virtuous woman.
EggyEmpanada 2014-10-20
顶着BOB头的科琳摩尔太萌了……她不断在开心,不开心和不知道应该开心还是不开心几种样子间变换的表演和Art Deco*****室内外装饰是电影最大的看点。剧情虽然稍显老套,但其中的性别平等意味同故事和**的融合非常自然。
巽凌 2016-02-08
【Listen!i'*** Good Girl!And What I Do And What I Wear—Is Because You Fool Men Demand It!】
庸爻儿 2017-04-24
23.04.2017 | w/ D | @ Atlas Performing Arts Center | 现场钢琴伴奏版无声电影。原来美国也不总是这么开放的,主流社会对婚前***的抗拒以及对于穿着暴露的贬低,**不应该出来工作只能在家里看孩子等等等等的,这些年变化真是很大吧。