As a family of **** drive home one late spring evening, a tragic accident occurs severely injuring all occupants of the car with the exception of Cas, a 17 year old teenager. He watches his mother and father ***. With his sister severely injured and now in a coma, Cas is left alone in this world. Placed in the care of his aunt and uncle, Cas slowly begins to sink into a deep de...
紅蓮の業火 2024-08-01
Rarecinema. 一个春末的傍晚,一个四口**开车回家时,发生了一起悲惨的事故,车上所有乘客都严重**,只有17岁的青少年卡斯除外。他看着父母死去。他的妹妹严重**,现在处于**状态,卡斯独自一人在这个世界上。在姑姑和叔叔的照顾下,卡斯慢慢开始陷入深深的抑郁,与自己作斗争,因为他试图在一个不理解或不知道如何爱他的世界里找到一个新的地方。4.4