The title "Train to Hell" put a lot of pressure on me, but Hugh Grant's in it, for which I enjoyed it...until I lost patience. Thankfully it's not truly a terror film, and Hugh's even cuter for his fear of dogs. Also I discovered a somewhat amusing fact. When *** occurs, it's undoubtedly all about ***. But when Hugh Grant's in a *** scene, it's all about Hugh Grant. (Still, **** times is too many...) 在一部并非因慢镜头漫长的电影里,休一如既往地优美。
周一 2023-05-15
借用男主的台词:this is so weird。剧情和剪辑也太莫名其妙了/我以为休格兰特在undoing里的床戏尺度是最大的了,还在遗憾年轻时参演的几部限制级的片子里穿戴得都挺整齐的,没想到这部这么辣嘿嘿,还挺gentle/风衣好看,一直切鸽子视角也很迷惑😳
(´Д` )!? 2002年男主说这是他演过的最烂的一部电影。Grant enters train,camera zooms slowly in on mcdowells face,cut by neo nazi,camera zooms slowly in on mcdowells face, Grant bangs lady a lot, goes to venice,camera zooms slowly in on mcdowells face,loses memory,camera zooms slowly in on mcdowells face,bangs lady a lot, regains memory, ponders on memories of trip - Fin
库尔** 2011-07-30
这个片子不应该叫《The train to Venice》应该叫《The train to Romance》,景美人美,唯一不好就是惊悚片不惊悚。歌曲挺好听。
平安喜乐 2020-04-11
易枕风 2018-09-20
The title "Train to Hell" put a lot of pressure on me, but Hugh Grant's in it, for which I enjoyed it...until I lost patience. Thankfully it's not truly a terror film, and Hugh's even cuter for his fear of dogs. Also I discovered a somewhat amusing fact. When *** occurs, it's undoubtedly all about ***. But when Hugh Grant's in a *** scene, it's all about Hugh Grant. (Still, **** times is too many...) 在一部并非因慢镜头漫长的电影里,休一如既往地优美。
周一 2023-05-15
借用男主的台词:this is so weird。剧情和剪辑也太莫名其妙了/我以为休格兰特在undoing里的床戏尺度是最大的了,还在遗憾年轻时参演的几部限制级的片子里穿戴得都挺整齐的,没想到这部这么辣嘿嘿,还挺gentle/风衣好看,一直切鸽子视角也很迷惑😳
小悬子 2018-06-09
2018.06.09 这电影太诡异了!剪辑烂到登峰造极的程度,莫名其妙的大量慢镜头让你怀疑人生,情节设计也令人无语。不过男女主角颜值超高,连小姑娘都非常漂亮,看着好养眼。
佩伯牌逃亡乐队 2020-02-21
Mia大仙儿 2021-11-14
(´Д` )!? 2002年男主说这是他演过的最烂的一部电影。Grant enters train,camera zooms slowly in on mcdowells face,cut by neo nazi,camera zooms slowly in on mcdowells face, Grant bangs lady a lot, goes to venice,camera zooms slowly in on mcdowells face,loses memory,camera zooms slowly in on mcdowells face,bangs lady a lot, regains memory, ponders on memories of trip - Fin
库尔** 2011-07-30
这个片子不应该叫《The train to Venice》应该叫《The train to Romance》,景美人美,唯一不好就是惊悚片不惊悚。歌曲挺好听。
*** 2021-07-29