Perry Ashwell is a self-satisfied child psychologist who takes his colleagues and wife somewhat for granted. So confident is he of his position that he introduces rich attractive painter Octavio Quaglini to his office and home. Quaglini is no respecter of convention, and April Ashwell is extremely attractive.
Jasey Rae 2024-01-30
分类是喜剧但是整部电影只有**斯乔丹能和搞笑搭上边 龙虾梗完全get不到也不好笑 Dana真的不太适合演喜剧 男主脑洞小剧场里的他才适合Dana(Film Noir风 其实还是刻板印象😂) 三位主角大量的内心吐槽也很奇怪 感觉格格不入
DuoDuo🐿️ 2021-02-19