《欢乐之城》又名Essence Road。
This film follows the first class of students at a remarkable leadership center in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, a region often referred to as "the worst place in the world to be a woman." These women have been through unspeakable violence spurred on by a 20 year war driven by colonialism and greed. In the film, they band together with the three founders of this cen...
LumiTale 2018-11-11
苦难国度中受苦难的人,以及她们向阳而生的勇气与令人敬佩的奋斗。 印象最深的莫过于Jane,怀孕1个月时候亲人被杀、自己被**在树上遭到长期***,怀孕7个月的时候被用刀殴打导致羊水破裂,接生时候孩子碎掉、失去**等女***只留下一个大洞、并残存了一部分坏死组织在腹中腐烂,身体也逐渐烂掉,但在被救后,成为了**** of joy的女**者。确实也没有人可以和她比惨……
kido🖖🏻 2020-03-03
层岑 2020-08-23
女性赋权道阻且长。片子尖锐指出许多主要国家在刚果内战问题上都负有责任(包括中国)“Where has the world been in looking at the world’s culpability in this war in terms of the mineral trade?”不过幸运的是这些妇女还有**** of Joy。
Lina 2018-09-09
***** pratice of women enpowerment. Couldn't imagine what they had suffered and how much it would take for them to grow into an excellent leader. ** eyes were full of tears when Eva encouraged them to step forward and take place.
Νταγκ Τζόουνς. 2019-10-26
好奇的边边 2018-12-25
自然资源的丰富同时引来了贪婪,抢夺与战争,谁曾想到刚果金的这些妇女有着如此残忍的遭遇,沦为战争的牺牲品,那个曾经不敢触及的词汇变成每个妇女**“**** of Joy”时的痛苦,经过六个月的学习与互相帮助,走出黑暗的深渊,只有接受自己才能完全成为自己。“化痛苦为力量”,门外的墙上这样写着。我愿你们找到了内心深处的力量,也愿你们一切都好。
🍟 2020-05-02
居然评分都不配拥有。。。sad face
Chocochoockie 2020-09-30
悲伤又坚韧 说出羞耻的词 接纳自己 希望世界和平