SHAKEDOWN (2017) chronicles explicit performances in an underground lesbian club in Los Angeles. Filmed from 2002 - 2015 the story functions as a legend where money is both myth and material. Cumulatively, questions arise about how to diagram the before and after of a utopic moment. Directed by Leilah Weinraub.
Ada的B计划 2019-08-04
巧比 2023-07-04
音乐绝了 我也想美丽女孩在我身上跳***
Winter Is Good 2020-03-08
纪录片的意义当然就在于满足圈外人的猎奇感,名为探索一个 underground black-lesbian strip club,实际上是带领观众深入一个阶层最底处去感受属于那个环境下独特的魅惑性。探讨这种主题的纪录片独此一份,且以 ******* 作为**播放也不失为大胆的选择。现在,*****身姿夹杂着嘈杂环境中的不安与**,印刻在每个慕名而来的人的脑中,这部纪录片也算实现了自己的价值,导演也实现了自己拍摄此片的意义。
(yi) 2020-04-01
Raw, camp, tacky at its best/shittest. “This is *** club, please leave if you do not accept! You are free to leave!” An essential, radical piece of queer history.
37.2 2020-04-01
#******* - 比paris is burning好看,音乐打一万分!excellent filmmaking. self reflexive and broke certain heteronormative film conventions without being gimmicky. Archives. Music. Club footage. History.
mauvaisang_ 2022-06-27
3.5,展现了2002年到2015年LA一家地下拉拉******的故事,对人物的描绘有些少,但对当时***的氛围记录得十分到位,混乱**狂欢,每场秀既是对lesbian sexuality的一场庆祝,也是对1980s东西岸地下queer bars的一场致敬。African American/Lesbian/Strip Performance/Non-Heterosexual audiences
Säger 2020-03-04
raw and powerful, “underground utopia”
APOLLO太阳神 2020-03-10
感觉影片的社会学意义大于自身的艺术性,用一个小时的时间带观众重返那个时间段的la underground,对这个群体的描述没有特别深入,都是群像,缺乏一个深入的主角,还是有些遗憾,希望以后相关的片子能越来越好.
*****_RK 2020-03-19
电子羊闪闪 2020-03-05
4.5 ***** time, ***** work, ***** archive. 终于有lesbian角度的舞厅文化和community history的叙述了!最近时不时在**,如果下辈子能选, I wanna be black and *** (但必须要在大城市lol,不过要真有得选,还是不要当人类比较好)感谢导演与*******