Fünf Freunde und das Tal der Dinosaurier在线观看

Fünf Freunde und das Tal der Dinosaurier


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《Fünf Freunde und das Tal der Dinosaurier》又名Famous Five - And The Valley of Dinosaurs。

Another long summer holiday brings **** adventures for George, Julian, ****, Anne and Timmy the dog, when they meet Marty Bach, a young man who appears at first to be behaving rather oddly. It turns out his deceased father had discovered a supposedly intact dinosaur skeleton, but crooks have stolen the code that reveals the coordinates to the legendary "Valley of Dinosaurs". If...


Louis加油 2024-03-02

儿童寻宝故事 故事一般, 带入性不够, 如果我10岁也许能看得津津有味, 但是现在看得比较勉强

若汐 2018-06-20
