《肥胖症的真相》又名Well Being: The Truth about Obesity、祝君健康:癡肥真相(港)。
Nearly one in **** people in the UK qualify as being obese, meaning their weight is significantly affecting the state of their health. Furthermore, nine out of ten obese people don’t even admit to being obese, or realise it. With a background in fresh produce, presenter Chris Bavin will seek out the latest scientific research to find out the truth about obesity. Within his life...
叮当想旅行 2018-08-03
shadowing 2018-05-08
一表** 2019-10-18
镜头太烦人了,动不动就推脸部特写,又不是韩剧,for what?
John-risktaker 2018-07-27
Cutting-edge studies on obesity.