Revealing. His story is not just about the ****** of a world-popular DJ, but also the plain struggle of living for one's passion. Avicii has led a culture. Will his struggle also be remembered, and pondered, among the rest of us?
碎碎评评 2018-04-27
幸运好小子 2018-04-22
I’m torn between fulfilling ** wildest dreams to satisfy the beast inside of me
烟水茫茫 2018-04-24
台下的人越雀跃,台上的人越孤独。 台下的人永远不知道,那个台上**四射的奉献了完美演出的人,心底饱受着多少压力、焦虑、痛苦。
橘子海洋 2018-04-21
他在几年前就已呼救 可有谁在乎…我就是期待偶像的每个下一首都是global hit的shitty fans的一员啊
K-SchoLoss 2018-05-13
RIP Avicii!年轻的灵魂,为了在靠自己的才华赚得的奢华生活中寻找自己,他在来自纷乱的世界的压力下结束了自己的生命。如此纯粹的灵魂,纯粹的音乐,一切都为了自己的理想。不过纪录片拍得真的一般,三星,加一星自己的偶像分!
王彩玲 2018-04-22
chanfukl 2018-04-23
看完纪录片才发现,他早在几年前就已经在向大众求救,但是我们却没有丝毫察觉,他永远地离开了,这是我们的遗憾,但也许是他的解脱。 A神,走好。
tony 2018-04-23
Revealing. His story is not just about the ****** of a world-popular DJ, but also the plain struggle of living for one's passion. Avicii has led a culture. Will his struggle also be remembered, and pondered, among the rest of us?
碎碎评评 2018-04-27
幸运好小子 2018-04-22
I’m torn between fulfilling ** wildest dreams to satisfy the beast inside of me
猫小珥 2018-10-27
看到A神就忍不住泪目 当年因他而入了电音的坑 如今我已陷入其中无法自拔 而A神却已离开了我们 再也不会回来了 RIP.
天才猪 2018-04-23