Shot in a creaky, wooden-floored Parisian recording studio at an inaugural three-day “forum of ideas” focusing on the manifold possibilities of “Resistance” (the title of Jean-François Lyotard’s unrealized follow-up exhibition to his 1983 “Les Immateriaux”), occasional collaborators Ben Rivers and Ben Russell have produced what initially appears to be a structuralist document o...
吴邪 2024-11-26
@2024 Nowness天才计划。 聚焦对**塔的一场讨论和追忆。 地板的吱嘎声宛如一点抵抗的噪音,“隐形”录音师的体内响起了轰鸣,摄影机借由隐形身体抵达神秘无边的抽象空间。 “we resist as much as we can”, 不确定录音有时会比现场人声更早些出来是不是一种低调的抵抗,不太喜欢人人都在说话的片段,好像乏了投降了
Lycidas 2018-02-22
3.5 艺术家谈话实录,略无趣。相当喜欢green man!Serra和Montse安静地坐在后排,有少少被萌到。
mibo lost 2024-11-27
文森特九六 2020-03-16
Intruders & troublemakers from the digital heterogeneous world.
天一亮就起床 2024-11-26
【NOWNESS天才计划】大段的连续的输出太多了 太长了 比我的命还长 坐立难安 如坐针毡 根本看不下去 欣赏不来 想大声咆哮“别吵了!”
蛟龙如玉 2020-11-20
一见钟情,从第一秒**上的片子。Is causality also magic? as if!
美津子 2024-11-26
看国人在影厅 如坐针毡如芒刺背如*在喉,快速溜之!
Gynoid- 2024-11-30
Ada的B计划 2019-03-06