A major two-part series that tells the inside story of one of the most powerful and controversial ***** moguls on the planet. Friends, ******, colleagues past and present - and the odd former Prime Minister - reveal how Rupert Murdoch built his global empire, starting with a single newspaper in 1950s Australia. The series explores his ruthless expansion and deal-******; the bil...
新新新青年 2019-11-15
夜神ライン 2018-11-22
默多克自带的剧本可真精彩啊,对他来说钱和坚持可以做成任何事,but not in China. 本片有点**蛇尾。Foundation course for ***** students.
LilyVideo 2021-01-23
Rupert Murdoch和Patricia Booker11年婚龄,与Anna32年婚龄,与邓文迪14年婚龄
cccc 2019-01-26
桂圆莲子粥 2017-11-20