《女王台前搞笑会》又名Monty Python Meets Beyond the Fringe。
Pleasure At Her Majesty's was the name given to the filmed release of A Poke In The Eye (With A Sharp Stick), the first of the Amnesty International comedy benefit galas. The title is a play on the phrase At Her Majesty's Pleasure (the show was performed at Her Majesty's Theatre, London). In America, the film was originally called Monty Python Meets Beyond the Fringe. This show...
高玉宝 2020-07-21
以前初识Monty Python的时候,Jones和Idle傻傻分不清,后来熟了,觉得这俩人怎么可能分不清,不可思议啊!如今初识Beyond the Fringe, Miller和Cook又分不清了,不知道需要看多少他们的节目,才能达到不可思议的状态。
Trillian 2018-04-18
冲着Monty Python去,结果收获了Peter Cook回来。同侪评出来的英国喜剧第一人真不是浪得虚名,白衣**魅力无限。第一次看到Monty Python私下工作的影像,每个人都在颜值顶峰!只可惜我Gray虽然台上状态相当好,幕后还是话少到有他没他一样.....
gui 2011-02-16
最后全体**制*look高唱伐木工之歌,Eleanor Bron男装好漂亮,巨*成员唱得最认真(因为其他人都浑水摸鱼不记词!),BTF三位进去换上制*又赶紧跑出来。好多笑场。我要shipJC和PC了……