Events leading to the Independence of the Baltic countries. Contains footage of the death of two reporters/cameramen. In the version I saw there was no spoken narrative only subtitles with anecdotes from actual people. This was all that was needed to capture the mood of people in the three Baltic countries at this time. The Singing revolution in Latvia, The Hill of Crosses in L...
熊仔俠 2016-09-30
波羅的海三國,相同的被佔領史、相同的流放遭遇、卻有著不同的抵抗蘇聯的形式,而又有同一種普通話——俄羅斯語。Juris Podnieks巧妙地剪切歷史映像和當下映像,期盼突破歷史悲慘輪迴,創造新時期的國族認同。
小麦 2023-02-24
稻草铃 2023-01-31
十分珍贵的历史资料 前一个小时主要是回顾波三小昔日的历史 后面半小时记录了波三小**前夕的歌唱** 回归运动 还有萨尤季斯的** PS: 想看找窝捏