Ernie Turner is released from a mental hospital and evicted from his apartment. Alienated and indifferent to life, he meets Donna, a beautiful young woman while wandering down the street. Donna takes pity on Ernie despite him being in a terminal state of confusion and the two become involved with each other. Later at a *****, Ernie meets a former girlfriend, Gail, and the two r...
第18届柏林国际电影节:主竞赛单元 金熊奖(提名)。
kubrick215 2017-04-01
18.09.02 第三遍。17.08.17第二遍 导演的自画像。庄周梦蝶. 首尾呼应 均是关在屋子里 望着窗外 无法逃脱这无休无止的虚无。他无法得到真正的生活 出路要么是回到精神医院 要么死亡。开头与结尾一致 他的生活就是死循环。浓浓的新浪潮的味道 加拿大电影的起点与好莱坞不同,充满了欧洲作者电影的气息。