瓜子资源为您提供The Innocent Sleep,在线点播,迅雷下载。
The young, bright and decent London tramp Alan Terry accidentally witnesses a mob execution. He gets away, but leaves enough evidence for them to come looking for him among the homeless, and most violently: his older best friend is killed by arson. It turns out that Matheson, the police Detective Inspector in charge of the murder investigation, is in cahoot with the mob **** Ad...
frian 2012-10-20
蛮棒的~故事不算很惊奇,但是惊悚犯罪片节奏不快不慢挺引人又舒*,BGM烘托气氛也都很灵,这个阶段的Rupert Graves水灵柔嫩(?)啊,乖乖的很萌也依然糙汉子不娘(再美也是汉子这点Bravo~)。声音状态比莫里斯时还要自然而且风味不减,听他说话都好舒*=v=对手戏的妹子有点像**人,声音也蛮有味道。