《一周单身汉》又名One-Week Bachelors。
Gary is an architect. He is an orderly, timed and mild mannered person. Lasse is a boisterous and happy-go-lucky kind of a chap. It isn't that he won't take no for an answer, it's **** a matter of that he doesn't have the time to listen to whatever you have to say. They haven't met, but they soon will. Both of them has accompanied their respective wives to the airport. After sa...
呵 2019-07-20
加里是一名建筑师。他是一个有秩序、有时间和温和礼貌的人 拉塞尔是个喧闹的无忧无虑的式的小伙子。不是他不接受否定的回答,更重要的是他没有时间听你说什么 他们没见过面,但他们很快会的。他们俩都陪着各自的妻子去了机场。道别后,他们都回了镇上,加里坐公共汽车,拉塞尔坐他的车。但是加里赶不上公共汽车,当拉塞尔让他搭车时,他接受了,没有意识到这将是他一生中最混乱的一周的开始 莉娜扮演加里通*的爱情。尼娜。虽然这部电影的大部分可以归类为现代闹剧,莉娜片段提供了一个节奏的变化,并提供了一些深度,否则它会缺乏