新贵恐怖小说作家Stephen Grimes正在酝酿新的**情节,但在一个深夜,他开车撞到一个年轻男子并把他送去医院。两人从短暂的友谊关系发展到热恋。但Stephen很**现自己深陷一个可怕的阴谋。Emett和他的朋友展现出了**的一面,Stephen发现这就是自己小说中的故事情节。 Wunderkind horror novelist Stephen Grimes is hard at work coming up with new ways to kill people when, on a late-night drive, he hits a young man and rushes him to the hospital. A tentative friendship between the two men erupts into a he...
德普的表演不仅仅是有趣,而是令人着魔般的亲切 。对于真爱粉花痴粉和吸血鬼控来说,影片依旧不容错过 。
也许是导演的点子太多,吸血鬼、**、穿越、**等等元素一锅端,众星捧月式的明星阵容,繁冗的故事情节使电影精彩程度打了折扣 。
ryan 2010-03-12
lame.. and due to incomplete download. i didnt go thru the movie. just at the guy hit another guy on the road. nothing started yet..