A painter, a fighter, both artists in their own way. Brother and sister, forced to flee their home, arrive at Seattle inside a shipping container. Trying to make their way in a new world the pair struggle to survive. Until, one day, an art dealer takes an interest in the sister's painting, and the pair find themselves living a dream come true. The sister loses herself in painti...
山猫水狼 2015-07-19
作为一部小成本的**制作电影,怎么样突出自己的特点?想惊悚,能跟谍影重重比吗?想搞笑,笑点在哪里?想玩功夫,能让观众认同吗? 可能是导演的想法太多,结果迷失在自己的想法里,最终呈现给观众的是一份七分熟的乱炖。 小成本电影的出路在何方?路漫漫其修远兮
philomena 2015-08-02
^_^ 2015-10-11
缘份让我见到了导演和主演~ 无关乎其它只关乎梦想!
有有 2015-08-30