《蛇的礼物》又名De Serpentis Munere。
*** is back to unveil the ***** secret of Eden... ...for centuries it has been hidden in the depths of the Vatican and whoever tried to discovery it has come off badly... But an old prophecy indicated that a wise man will yet again pick the prohibited fruit and will discover the gift of the serpent.
batistuta 2021-08-30
VALENTINA REGGIO 的福利镜头真的棒,就喜欢这种丰腴的体型。网上下载的意大利语版,看不懂剧情,主人公是雌雄同体会不断转换性别,有点像化身博士,里面也有展示DNA双螺旋的科幻镜头也有**红衣主教的镜头,科幻跟宗教神话捏合在一起也别出心裁,期待能有英文或者中文字幕能看懂剧情。