William Powers is a clueless senator whose career is run by his manipulative wife Margaret, his chief of staff/mistress Jordan and his political aide Bradley. Along for the ride are the senator's shrill daughter Caitlyn and her suicidal husband Theodore, who happens to be in love with the Powers' bumbling maid Charlotte. Last but not least is the senator's illegitimate daughter...
塔迪斯里的温尼 2025-01-07
Niles前传之与Maris一家同行(他总是演这种深情脆弱善良好男人看得我都想猛敲自己的恋爱脑(这个被半囚禁的角色让我想起巨*与圣杯里的Herbert(但是Charlotte最后还是决定留下真是恨铁不成钢(话说在Frasier里头劝说Daphne不要相信女仆阶级跃迁童话的英国管家在这里也出现了,再算上Bulldog果真是Frasier提前夭折的姐妹篇)整体还是走刻板印象路线,一半的角**过于夸张(还是很喜欢Caitlyn的,Maris和Selina的合体,只剩下比较reserved的正常人才讨喜一点(That’s why DHP is like the GEM in this show😭Charlotte说他走进房间时整间屋子都被点亮了,虽然是个笑话but it’s true to me…