《百老汇:在那遥远的黄金年代》又名B.G.A. 2、Broadway: The Golden Age Two。
Broadway: Beyond the Golden Age is the sequel to the feature film documentary Broadway: The Golden Age, which documented American theater in the 30s, 40s and 50s. This second installment of director Rick McKay's Broadway film trilogy continues the story from the legendary Broadway season of 1959 (Gypsy, Raisin in the Sun, Once Upon a Mattress, etc.) through the tumultuous 60s (...
JC 2021-09-10
**建筑师 2022-06-05
***** Performance版的,开头致敬Rick本人(据说Rick McKay还有第三部,下落未知,但是我觉得他手上的视*资料应该不只三部的量
枫树时光机 2021-12-30
80s幕后逸闻,短片段合集。 看得2021年一版