Коршуны добычей не делятся在线观看

Коршуны добычей не делятся

  • 上映年代:1988  
  • 别名:Korshuny dobychey ne delyatsya / Kites Don't Share Their Prey
  • 类型:剧情
  • 地区:苏联
  • 更新时间:

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《Коршуны добычей не делятся》又名Korshuny dobychey ne delyatsya、Kites Don't Share Their Prey。

Soviet film of 1988, filmed by the Moldova-film studio in the genre of social and military drama. Describes the socio-political and armed struggle in the postwar Moldovan SSR. Some storylines, characters and episodes are taken from real history. Director - Valeriu Gagiu, the authors of the script - Valeriu Gagiu, Alexander Brodsky.


熊仔俠 2018-08-18

摩爾多瓦在蘇聯後期製作的長片。故事中的叛亂團體映**1949~1950年活躍在摩爾多瓦的反蘇武裝組織“黑軍(Armata Neagră)”。然而電影整體乏善可陳,燈光一塊在第二部分中簡直一塌糊塗,嚴重地影響觀感。