Sinbad is a story teller who weaves ***** adventures about - himself. Whether they are true or not, no one knows. For this is the story of the eight adventures of Sinbad - as told by Sinbad. A ship saved by Sinbad and Sabu. A treasure *** to the treasure of Alexander the *****, which mysteriously disappears from the ship. The beautiful Shireen - the woman who has stolen the hea...
Maxthor 2019-12-13
Douglas Fairbanks Jr.依旧有着矫健的身姿以及独特的形象魅力,厚实的台词功底以及表演能力使得平淡的本作多了一丝活力和看点;剧情也属于循规蹈矩的典型冒险故事,打斗戏份的设计略微诙谐和夸张,也有着偏向于舞台风格的特色,然而整体节奏把握有些许失衡,**部分的把控也过于乏味,使得整个冒险故事实在是无法调起观众的肾上腺素。