《非常年月》又名Roaring Years。
In the thirties, during the Fascist Dictatorship, an insurance broker, Omero Battifiori, reaches a small country town from Rome seeking for new customers. The main authorities, expecting an incognito inspection from the Fascist ***** of the capital, suspect him to be the inspector and a very important member of the *****. The misunderstanding leads to a number of equivocals unt...
Jasey Rae 2023-11-28
保险员Nino碰巧被当地的一帮**官员们误认为是**政府派来的监视员 随即产生了**令人哭笑不得的误会 电影足够搞笑也极具讽刺效果 电影的反战思想与喜剧元素结合的非常不错 Nino在小学体育馆玩双杠那段令人印象深刻
德尼罗家的橘子 2024-12-12
3.5 最后那封信真的是*心窝。。。。