A woman tries to kill herself and ends up in the hospital. She escapes and wanders into the desert. There she comes upon a roadside bar where she gets extremely drunk with the locals and a mysterious man, who seems to be shy of policemen. She wakes up in bed with the stranger, not remembering much from the night before, in a nearby abandoned house and finds out that she got mar...
Alphaswz 2023-05-27
凯莉·林奇 DVDRip版(5rff)无字幕 22'48''/57'07''/65'13''
UrthónaD'Mors 2012-05-02
能穿好衣*吗。。。这片子很意识流 很莫名奇妙
2wice 2013-08-07
LT_Bud 2023-04-21