DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 2 takes place in the arraignment, misdemeanor, and injunction courts in Hillsborough County, Tampa, Florida. The courts deal with such issues as bail, bonds, release pending trial, the specific context of injunctions regulating time and place of parental visits, restraining orders, contact with children, support payments, and the court's decision about fault a...
paradiso 2014-02-16
30年前警方不管家务事而今执法力量积极干预但只给法官十数分钟时间做判断,难啊难。大量双方各执一词,法官经常只能粗暴地下一纸隔离令分开算数。这些fucked up people出镜十多分钟就形象鲜明,令大部分影视剧表演显得索然无味也相形见绌