This film follows its two protagonists Anne and Leo like a wandering companion. Both in their early thirties, they are close friends but not a couple. What connects them is their ***** background and their cosmopolitan attitude. Where they differ is their completely diverging approach to the little things in life. Their days and nights are full of possibility and yet nothing pr...
小易甫 2017-02-21
女主演就是《24周》的导演,她和男主角都是导演的室友= = 超帅的摄影师就是《忠诚》的那位,这部片最无语的地方就是它的片尾字幕是其他电影的两倍,居然每个人还要单独列个漫长的感谢名单 = = 回头再评。
Hownán 2017-03-10