YOUTH IN TROUBLE is the ninth edition to BOYS ON FILM, the world's most successful short film series. This compilation features a range of eclectic, innovative and genre-bending short films. Within these eight award winning films, a friendship is tested in an ex-Nazi holiday camp, love and ******* wage war in an Australian boy's prison and BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN exposes secrets in ...
Kid-King 2021-12-19
1.加拿大 2.** 3.英国 4.西班牙 5.**** 6.英国 7.** 8.瑞士/德国
Xavier 2023-10-13
这一辑有部很有意思的同性惊悚短片《Together》,在踩雷概率如此之高的标签里堪称一股清流,通过配乐、环境营造出的恐怖感远胜于廉价特效和狗血设定;《Easy Money》也很有欧**式结局的意味,意料之外情理之中,喜剧感拉满;其他几部也可圈可点,整体算前9部中上乘之作,个人感觉排前三没问题
完全 2020-01-04
6.5,水准逐年上升 快钱之前看过了,总共八部短片。
[已注销] 2021-01-25
▲ 2019-04-07
Deep End Assunto de Família家庭事务 Dinero fácil快钱 The Wilding Colonial Gods Ce n'est pas un film de cow-boys并非一部牛仔电影 Prora迷宫