《一切因终而始》又名It All Started at the End。
A documentary made by Luis Ospina, the last one of Caliwood, the name of a group of three friends that used to make movies in Colombia in the 60-80's years
一叶 2019-12-15
a tv series on columbian film history **** than an one-piece memoir. excessive and self-indulgent that it misses the mark; nice segment on NY being a vision of hell
Leave no trace 2019-12-08
L'llariit 2019-12-16
最终那些“怪才”的故事还是得由“最正常”的活得最久的来讲述,终和始是无法分离的纠缠体,人生轨迹正不断徘徊于终始之间,如制作哥伦比亚第一部无声长片,第一部有声电影,第一部彩色电影的城市Cali终会失去这个聚焦点,如制片首日即确诊绝症,拍摄在未知与恐惧中进行,如三个***中的Andrés Caicedo**后Agarrando pueblo问世才使Caliwood声誉走出山城,如Caliwood再无经济支持名存实亡时Carlos Mayolo妥协拍摄电视纪录片而Luis Ospina出走闯荡奠定今日地位,如结构首尾似平行宇宙似濒死体验病重间恍惚化成片中人颤抖地给****画上终止符,只希望在Unos Pocos Buenos Amigos中街头采访Andrés Caicedo无人知的现象再无重复