瓜子资源为您提供København ved Nat,在线点播,迅雷下载。
《København ved Nat》又名Copenhagen by Night。
The women head to the theatre, leaving their husbands to their card games. They plan to meet up again after the show. Now that their wives have gone out, the lads hit the streets of Copenhagen to play the ladies’ men. Slightly tipsy, they wind up in a dive and in bad company. Filled with twists and turns, Copenhagen by night reveals its prostitutes and police stations. A bevy o...
机器の猫 2022-10-20
故乡的晨曦 2022-10-20
四个好朋友全神贯注于纸牌游戏,以至于他们在剧院接妻子都迟到了。那么,为什么不继续他们中断的地方呢?四位绅士开始了哥本哈根夜生活的狂野之旅,这里有大量的辣妹、烈性饮料和大胆的舞蹈。 感谢template**的1080p修复源提供和英字分享!
paracelsus 2009-05-31