In 1988, rising star Kenneth Branagh tackled the role of Shakespeare’s prince of Denmark for the first time in his professional career under the guidance of celebrated actor Derek Jacobi, considered "the best Hamlet of his generation" (The New York Times). Narrated by Patrick Stewart, this hour-long film documents how these two intelligent, passionate men found new depths in Sh...
paradiso 2012-11-05
文艺复兴剧团排演,近代*装+小剧场形式,KB演得大呼小叫我看着有点吃不消。Derek Jacobi唯一一次当导演(他说当导演缺乏参与感,不好玩orz)总是跳到舞台上指导且台词烂熟于心一不留心就开始跟着默念了。大家**都很80s,略惊悚...Emma的妹妹Sophie是奥菲利亚