In the period of the slavery, the runaway slaves formed communities called "Quilombos", a kind of sanctuary and piece of resistance. "Aruanda" exposes the "Quilombo Olho d'Água da Serra do Talhado", em Santana do Sabugi, Paraíba, with people living a primitive life and completely isolated from the Republic of Brazil of the 60's. The tough life of the dwellers is pictured in thi...
桔子 2010-02-21
全剧22min,8min都是在讲述做瓦罐的过程,讲述劳动之美。Focus on the work not the worker. 并且视角不是猎奇者说“哇塞一个瓦罐做出来了!”,而是工人说“瓦罐是这样制作出来的”。