《终点之屋》又名Tam Na Konecne。
Best known in the U.S. for 1975's Lies ** Father told Me, Jan Kadar once again teams with Elmar Klos to direct this somewhat downbeat story about the people who live in an apartment house in a suburb of Prague. As in most big cities, the residents manage to live side-by-side without knowing very much about each other at all. In one apartment, a young woman enters into an affair...
只抓住6个 2022-04-14
暂时被** 2020-09-02
50年代捷克斯洛伐克电影。“解冻时期”电影(1956-1958)。扬 卡达尔。呈现出对社会冷漠的研究。无资源