BEFORE AND AFTER DINNER is an exploration of the life and work of Andre Gregory, groundbreaking director, actor, artist, and raconteur, filmed by prize-winning documentarian Cindy Kleine, his wife. Through her close-up lens, Cindy introduces us to this cultural icon and ****** storyteller, and tells the unusual story of a good marriage that thrives in collaboration, art, and hu...
Algiersea 2022-05-12
一次很特别的观影:在Andre八**岁生日这天和他还有他的第二任夫人一同观看此片,于我而言也是一次很特别的经历,因为我今天的电影票是他、他夫人和他朋友帮我拿到的!😭影片结束后又等了许久才和他说上话,我说我要亲自谢谢您给我电影票,他来了一句:“我有预感你会喜欢这部电影。”我❓ 然后今天被他询问了专业但在这之后他居然也还是问我要了邮箱并在最后说他觉得以后我俩的path有可能会intersect并且还夸我是一个special person我简直膨胀到快要爆炸了!我可是被Andre Gregory拍肩碰胳膊肘碰拳头还被说是个特别的人我何德何能啊!电影本身:很喜欢Oppenheim流畅的剪辑,而且因为是Cindy拍的,所以真的能感受到,就像我对Andre形容的那样:a tangible love.
lulu7688 2014-12-19
**. The guy's had a fascinating life.