《北美移民》又名Almost America。
Almost America's story begins in 1951. When the Po River in northern Italy floods her village, Antonia Di Vito (Ferilli) takes her children and sister Paola to Canada, where her husband Vincenzo has been working to establish a new home for the family. Upon their arrival in Alberta, Antonia is devastated to learn that Vincenzo has a new Canadian wife and child. Unable to return ...
abc电影世界 2020-11-11
起初只是认为这是一部意大利版本的《世上只有妈妈好》,但在影片结尾处,当男主人公马泰尔骄傲地举起了意大利和加拿大两面国旗时,这样一部短短的影片不仅向观众讲述了一个母亲对孩子无私的爱,同时也在表达主人公们对国家的热爱之情。 2004 09 16 电影*道播出