Tell you what I love about taking short cuts in South East Asian countries. Unlike here in North America, if you take the back route you don't have to worry about breaking down and getting raped by inbred hillbillies. You do, however, have to be concerned with haunted Volkswagen Beetles and a bevy of hairy ghosts. You decide which is better. In the meantime we'll introduce you ...
alumiss 2013-09-23
EVA_征*天堂 2012-03-16
一群人去玩,没想到碰到传说中的公路鬼。。开场那段酷似树妖的怪物**的场面和厕所中阴魂不散的小孩还算有点创意!最后居然出现SS太狗血点了吧~~~ PS:还是那句老话 有些人死了,自己却不知道。。。。