Bradford Dillman in a dilly of a movie with the late Suzy Parker. The story concerns itself with British intelligence choosing someone they know will crack under Nazi torture and divulge secrets that will be false in nature pertaining to the D-Day invasion. Naturally, the female (Parker) falls for our ****.(Dillman) Of course, Dillman surprises all by surviving the brutal tortu...
二战电影馆 2022-02-24
《诡计多端》 1944 年,二战期间,在盟军在诺曼底**之前,英国**部门急于在实际**地点误导德国人,保罗·雷恩上尉(布拉德福德·迪尔曼饰)被选中执行敌后间谍任务。