《米兰:卡拉布雷西家族》又名The Last Desperate Hours。
The Last Desperate Hours benefits immensely from two ***** leading performances; chiefly Antonio Sabato in the lead role. Sabato fits his character like a glove and comes across excellently as the detestable sleazebag at the centre of the film. He gets ***** backup from Pier Paolo Capponi as the lead cop on the case. The atmosphere created by Giorgio Stegani is just ***** and h...
AlviseCagnassi 2021-09-14
传统的黑帮Poliziottschi出人意表地加入了**元素更添紧张**,Antonio Sabato在本片的形象非常立体,表演也极为出色,杀起人来毫不手软,而又有忧愁的一面。
与众不同的polizio片,更多探讨了底层生活,描绘的有血有肉 男主在感染***情况下完成了**还是大快人心 Antonio Sabato长了一张被出卖的脸,正如《**黑帮战争》一样 有几个构图颇为经典,比如十字路口和结尾躺尸