Ben Halpen sets up his barber's shop at the turn of the century in Sevillinois and watches the town grow around him. Thinking it is for the best, he tries to shield his wife Nellie from the worries of the world. She finally rebels while he is away at war and takes a fateful trip to Chicago. This turns out to be the first of a number of critical family crises for Ben.
遠濤 2020-11-11
张迷的功课:赖雅小说I Heard Them Sing改编,老电影没字幕,碟片上观看还是听不全懂。片名是一首名曲《等到阳光照耀吧,耐莉》。夏志清写的影片梗概其实不太准确:“Wayne演一个小城的理发师,从青年演到老年。他的太太不惯住在小城,偕**奔,因火车出事而皆丧命。理发师一人把两个孩子领大,其中一个后来去***当了小**,街头械战而亡。但理发师**晚年后,极受市民爱戴,身边有个孙女儿耐莉,也不寂寞。”从平凡人三代的遭遇折射出一个小镇半世纪的编年史,以***作为隐约的对衬。两场刮脸戏一场面对情敌,一场面对黑帮**,皆有张力。其余今天作为电影看来未免有点流水账。